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Kilpinen et al.,

Systematic bioinformatic analysis of expression levels of 17,330 human genes across 9,783 samples from 175 types of healthy and pathological tissues

Genome Biology 2008

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Genesapiens Team

The project originally started as a way to study a single gene's co-expression, by gathering a number of experiments and studying the expression patterns of a handful of genes. The more samples were gathered, the more it became obvious that the whole was bigger than the sum of its parts. At this point a team was assembled to further develop the database. The team is composed of molecular biologists, computer scientist and medical doctors. Combining the expertise from these various fields we were able to produce a resource that is very accurately annotated, easy to use with various useful data mining and disply options available all the while containing a large amount of data. The database is continually updated with new features based on the users' requests and also new data, which is re-annotated to match the existing high standard. After the data and functions to mine and display it was made made available internally, and to certain collaborators, tens of thousands of plots have been made.

The people are physically located at Biomedicum Helsinki and the Molecular Biotechnology Unit of VTT and the Univerisity of Turku, all under the supervision and part of the research group of Professor Olli Kallioniemi.

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People behind the project

Olli Kallioniemi

Sami KilpinenBioinformatics
Reija AutioNormalization
Kalle OjalaBioinformatics, Annotation
Elmar BucherBioinformatics, Annotation
Henri SaraBioinformatics
Tommi PistoBioinformatics
Kristiina IljinAnnotation
Rolf SkotheimBioinformatics, Annotation
Mari BjörkmanAnnotation
Kristine KleiviAnnotation
Kimmo JaakkolaAnnotation